Thursday, April 1, 2010

Movin' On Up

Nocturne is taking a break for the month of April, because even the most noble beasts must rest and replenish themselves to approach their rigors with new strength. Also because Zenhakar is a big ol' jerk that puts his school and career ahead of ICC.

Fine whatever, I don't need them; after all, the Chinese character for blah blah blah. I've seized this moment to walk off the beaten path to do something I normally wouldn't do. Not PVP, god no, I haven't suffered massive head trauma and started to think RPG PvP is at all ever remotely a good idea. No, I'm joining a 25-man ICC guild made up of TOTAL STRANGERS. Oh me oh my.

I often rag on Blizzard for making 25-man the default raiding format for a multitude of reasons, some of which aren't totally selfish. And it occured to me, I haven't really ever DONE 25-man in WotLK. I did some in BC, mainly 2 SCC, 1 Mag, and the easy half of TK, and found them all to be the suck compared to the more intimate and immediate environment of Kara and ZA. This may be the only time I ever refer to liking Kara even with heavy qualification, so enjoy it.

So why do it now, when I hated in back in BC? For science, or maybe for this blog to give me something fresh to write about? NO. It is out of pure greed, perhaps tempered with boredom, that I make this foray in to the terrifying world of 25-mans. Blizzard finally got to me with Nibelung, that sweet siren beauty. I can imagine their meetings: "Hey, there are still people out there who like 10-man raiding." "Well, how about in ICC, we make the 10-man items slightly weaker in stats like normal, but change out the really cool/fun procs for garbage procs and on-use abilities. They'll look stupid and contribute nothing to DPS, and they'll be shamed into coming over." I'm looking at you, Abracadaver.

Now I can't talk anymore, I need to pour over gear lists for 2 hours to figure out how the hell I can make up 101 hit without using anymore of my AMAZINGLY AWFUL tier gear.

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