Thursday, April 8, 2010

Class Preview Hoedown pt. 1

Firstly, go to and read up on the class previews, cause this will make no sense otherwise. There's a lot to say, so I'ma be brief.


So Blizz wants to make Elemental less tied to the GCD? I guess they might just push all of their CDs out and make them them Ret With Totems. Their mastery is incredibly bleh, aside from maybe making them respec at some level of mastery.

The Spirit -> Hit thing is really clever, and I applaud it. It seems Blizzard is finally getting something right (not holding my breath for no more spell plate). Their mastery looks more fun than Enhancement visually, but equally as passive. Earthquake will probably be rad, too. I like it.

With Resto being the swiss army knife of healing specs (tank, spot, and raid all in one!) they seem to be getting even more tools. Spirit link will be nice for tank and spot healing, and now they get CoH too! I think Resto will fill more the raid heal niche then it does now. And that Mastery bonus is the sexiest thing yet: more heals to those that need it the most.


Affliction looks almost unchanged, aside from the Curse -> Bane change. Their Mastery is about as bleh as they come, making a DoT dependant class even more so. No more DoT clipping will make it more accessible though, which is a plus.

Demonology seems to have gotten a much-needed revisiting, with Metamorphosis no longer giving you wack-ass abilities so much and a unique spell to cast. I suspect it'll be much more it's own tree rather than a weird Frankenstein of Demo, Affliction, and Hunter BM. Mastery is also more intriguing, as the spec seems geared around being in Metamorphosis a LOT.

Demo gets a mobility spell and Imps will almost certainly be a higher percent of DPS, and that's about it. Mastery is as earthshatteringly dull as Affliction, to boot. And I'm not saying anything about the new soul shard mechanic cause it's so different, who knows what the fuck. It will be nice to actually have 4 bags like a real person though.


First of all, no Q&A for Priests? EF-U BLIZZ. Anyway, two shields sounds like fun and will mix up the Disc play a bit. PW:Barrier will also be neat, provided it is different from AMZ in two ways: it doesn't have to center on self, and it can absorb more damage than a single fart from Hodir. Mastery looks to make an already absorbtion-reliant class even more so. Whether you think this is rad or not will vary.

Looks like Blizz is trying to make Holy the healing switch hitter of Cata with their Chakra thingy. Disappointingly, it looks like unless you do one thing a lot for a given time, you'll suck at all of them. It also provides (if I get this right) a disincentive to throw a quick CoH or two around while tank healing, which I always thought a good all-purpose healer should do. Mastery is bleh, I imagine the HoT will be wasted most of the time. I am also not excited about Heal, because adding another spell to an already bloated healing spec is not what I wanted.

MIND SPIKE, FUCK YES. I've always wanted something like this in Shadow, and now my trash numbers won't have to be garbage. Otherwise, looks like business as usual, except for SW:P becoming a kill-shot kinda thing. As if Shadow wasn't complex enough, we need to track another cooldown for the last fourth of the fight. Mastery looks visually interesting, and if they actually have the talent trees interact with it, might make for a lot of fun macros.

I would complain about Leap of Faith, but Tobold beat me to it. Also, Inner Will looks to be only good in PvP, generally speaking; I'm surprised they didn't just come out and say it's for that.

Tune in next time, for the rest of the classes! Except paladins, they smell!

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