Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Quick Thoughts

Arg, so your girlfriend being bed-ridden for weeks because of a broken leg isn't great for post numbers. I can't think well right now, so here's some quick stuff

So Blizz recently said the 10/25 reward disparities were a result of fine-tuning and learning in Wrath. I quote, "Most of our lessons learned are in the realm of what differences there should be between 10- and 25-player itemization...". Oh Blizzard, how expert you are at dashing my hopes and dreams of a world without this tomfoolery.
Heroic Violet Hold is horrible for pugs; I tanked it today on my DK alt and wiped twice, on the 16th and 17th portal. Solution: instead of running the WHOLE DUNGEON again, you should just pick up from the last boss you did, do the 5 trash pulls, then the new boss. You get a whole lot less AIDS if you get a bad pug group. I hope they don't repeat this style of dungeon for Cataclysm (unlikely).
WoW is a weird game, because it's essentially three games in one: there's the game where you level, the end-game PVE game and the end-game PVP game. Which is all well and good, except the first game is boring and repetitive and LOOOOONG and a requirement to "unlock" the other two. One might say that the length is so people are comfortable with their classes abilities once they're into the end-game stuff, and that's true to an extent, but takes anywhere from 7-10 days of playtime to level your first character to 80; that's over 200 hours. That is a problem.
I recently got my DK to 80, and got 2 Tankards O' Terror for DPS. Those things are murderous mugs; no other BoE comes close and it's so awesome to pull 3k two days after my last ding. Something similar should be offered for other specs, methinks; getting a good weapon is so critical, it isn't something that should be left to the vagaries of H-ToC.
Why can a warrior only be reckless every 3 minutes? And how come hitting a guy makes you angry, but hitting him heroically makes you less angry? Warriors are so strange.

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