Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How Reforging Could Have Saved Loot

So, quick, what's the one thing that sucks about loot drops? Loot no one wants, of course! Sometimes this is because something's on farm, or because of eccentric group comp, but mostly, it's because some item was bizarrely itemized to favor a single class, or worse, spec. This could be TOTALLY FIXED in Cataclysm; not by talent trees, but with four reforging options.

1. Healing plate is an abomination to Crom, mighty god of the mountain, keeper of the riddle of steel, and patron of all melee DPS. To him cries of lamentation are offered whenever some bullshit spellpower is seen on a proper man's armor. SOLUTION: make a Str -> Int reforging that turns all the strength into intellegence. BOOM! Now all DPS plate is also healing plate.

2. How will paladins get their spirit on then? And what of the caster/healer plight, who snub hit gear from time to time due to being at the cap/needing none of it? SOLUTION: Hit -> Spirit reforging, that takes all the Hit and turns it into Spirit, though still less than would be otherwise expected at that iLevel. This keeps hit pieces from being BiS for healers, while expanding their appeal. Paladins could (and do) have extra mana regen abilities to make up for lesser spirit, since all of it would come from here.

3. Fair's fair, so what about the healing piece, whose spirit ruins otherwise perfect DPS itemization? SOLUTION: Spirit -> Hit reforging, to also expand the healing piece to be more appealing to the DPS, but again, not BiS. Balance and Elemental could have good Hit boosting talents, thus making all leather and mail casting gear equally appealing to all appropriate specs.

4. Finally, strength one handers. They're only used by two specs, and both of them have the option to use two handers anyway. What a waste! SOLUTION: Agi -> Str reforging for one handed weapons. This means ALL the weapons could be for ALL the people who use one handers, with no waste! You could even go one step further and stop making one handers with tanking stats, further widening the appeal.

This simple addition to the reforging system would ensure every item on the loot tables would be appealing to some extent for a variety of specs; the worst being spell leather/mail being desirable for only two specs each. My solution would be to condense the armor types down to three, and make hunters and shamans wear leather, but that's a touch drastic. Also, rogue poisons and energy gain need to be normalized for weapon speed, so the tyranny of fast DPS one handers may be gone forever.

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